Bangladesh Chamber of Industries (BCI) is the sole and exclusive chamber of the industrial community in Bangladesh. It is the one and only national industrial chamber of industries on all Bangladesh basis.
Bangladesh Chamber of Industries (BCI) is the sole and exclusive chamber of the industrial community in Bangladesh. It is the one and only national industrial chamber of industries on all Bangladesh basis. It represents all sorts of industries of both the Public and the private sectors and endeavours to exert exact role for industrialization in particular and economic development in general of the country. Formation of a separate Chamber for the industrial community is the fulfillment of a long felt need. Since independence in 1947 the interests of both trade and industries had been looked after jointly by a Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This seemed justified in those years of initial industrialization of the country when there were not enough industries to justify a separate Chamber for Industries. But with growing industrialization in the wake of liberation of Bangladesh in December 1971, the perspective underwent gradual change. Under the successive industrial policies as enunciated by the government, pace of industrialization gathered further momentum. While putting utmost emphasis on need for rapid industrialization for economic emancipation, Govt. acknowledged the concept of forming a separate Chamber of industries in the country. This impelled the industrialists of various sectors of the country to converge together and deliberate on relevant issues involving the formation of the same. Thus Bangladesh Chamber of Industries was formed and got the approval of the Government. Accordingly it started operation as the sole and exclusive Chamber of the industrial community in Bangladesh. It represents the industrialists as well as sectoral groups of industrialists and looks after their interests.
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