The Bangladesh Red Cross Society was constituted on 31 March 1973 by the President's Order No.26 of 1973 with retrospective effect from the 16th December 1971. The Society was recognized by ICRC on 20 September 1973 and admitted to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies on 02 November 1973. The name and emblem were changed from Red Cross to Red Crescent on 4th April 1988. The President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh is the ex-officio President of the Society. The President appoints the Chairman of the Society for a term of 3 years, who may hold two consecutive terms. BDRCS National Headquarters at Red Crescent Sarak, Boro Moghbazar, Dhaka is the Secretariat of the Society. The Secretary-General, appointed by the Managing Board, heads the Secretariat. The Managing Board also appoints a Deputy Secretary-General, who performs the functions of the Secretary-General in his/her absence. The Secretariat is organized in five divisions, namely, Disaster Management, Health Services, Planning & Development, Central Support Services and Finance & Accounts. The BDRCS has 68 Units.
Man cannot survive without blood. Sometimes, we need additional blood to save morbid patients. With the blessings of modern science, now it has become possible to transfer blood from one person to another. One can give blood to another person if both of them have the same blood group. At present, a lot of lives are saved every day by taking blood from other people. Consequently, several blood banks have taken place in Dhaka and other big cities of the country. Red Crescent Blood Bank Society is one of the major blood banks in Dhaka city. The International Red Cross is known as the Red Crescent in the Muslim world. The Red Crescent Society in Bangladesh started Blood Donation Program in the year 1981.
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