Profile: CNRS
CNRS is one of the most recognized pro-environmental national NGOs in Bangladesh. It was conceptualized in 1993, from Bangladesh Flood Action Plan (FAP16) Environmental Study; and the formal journey started in 1994. Since formation, CNRS has been active in this field and has drawn attention of relevant local, national and international actors including government and funding agencies through demonstrating innovations in its approaches and producing tangible learning outcomes. On behalf of its General Committee, an Executive Committee (EC) governs CNRS. CNRS aims to join
with others in influencing the national development strategy towards directions that support sustainable environment in Bangladesh.
CNRS dreams that people and nature live in harmony in a world free from exploitation and exclusion.
marginalized communities with required skills and capabilities for making change that favors pro-poor, inclusive and sustainable development.
The goal of CNRS is to join with others in influencing the national development strategies towards directions that building on, rather destroying country’s natural resources.
Legal entity:
CNRS is registered with NGO Affairs Bureau, Joint Stock/Societies Act, Social Welfare as well as Micro-Credit Regulatory Authority.
CNRS Governance systems The organizational aspects of CNRS is managed and governed as per the rules set forth in the constitution and is administered by two sets of bodies, viz. The General Board (GB) comprising of 21 (twenty-one) members and an Executive Committee (EC) of 7 (seven) members. The day-to-day management and operation of organizational activities are accomplished by the Executive
Director (ED) along with directors, advisers and staff members. There are various operational manuals, policies and tools which form the basis and guiding principles for the governing of the organizational
matters including implementing various donor supported projects and activities. Besides, there are some
operational procedures/ tools that have been adopted to further smoothen the operational aspects. These include:
Senior Management Team (SMT)
A seven-member senior management team (SMT) is formed headed by the Executive Director (ED) to facilitate day-to-day functions of CNRS.
Audit committee
In order to strengthen internal control mechanism, CNRS has adopted an “Audit Committee (AC)” constituted with 3 staff members to monitor and take necessary actions to comply with the standard procedures and policies of CNRS.
Compliance Committee (CC)
A 5-member compliance committee (CC) is formed to oversee the day to day compliance issues and risks associated with non-compliance of standard procedures and recommend corrective actions.
Gender forum
A five-member gender forum (GF) aimed at making CNRS a gender sensitive organization by facilitating space for women staff members to express their views, establishing gender equality, women’s rights and gender friendly environment.
Independent Reviewers of procurement
CNRS assigns a mid-level staff member to undertake the responsibility as Independent Reviewer (IR) of procurement of goods and services on a random basis to ensure compliance of standard procedures.
Major clients, National and International Associates/ Partners
Major Clients and Donors: Government of Bangladesh, DOE, Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands, USAID, UK Aid, GIZ, Oxfam, UNDP, World Bank, IUCN, UNICEF, UNOPS, WFP, UNESCO, FAO, GEF/UNDP, DFID-UK and Bangladesh, IDRC, EC, EU, USAID, SDC, Chevron, Ford Foundation, CIDA,
JICA and other international and national agencies.
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