Bangladesh Family Planning Program evolved through a series of development phases that took place during the last 52 years. Family planning efforts in this country began in the early 1950s with voluntary efforts of a group of social and medical workers. Categorical FP program emerged during 1965-95 with the objective to control population growth as a strategy of economic development. The Family Planning Program in Bangladesh has undergone a number of transitional phases. The phases may be illustrated as follows:
Phase I : 1953-59: Voluntary and semi-government efforts
Family Planning Association initiated family planning program in 1953 as a voluntary effort.
The effort was limited to the small scale contraceptive distribution services in urban areas particularly through hospitals and clinics.
Phase ll : 1960-64: Government sponsored clinic-based Family Planning Program
In 1960 the government sponsored clinic-based family planning activities under health services started.
The Government set up a target of providing family planning services to 6.7 percent eligible couples and opened a family planning center in every hospital and Rural Dispensary.
Phase lll : 1965-70: Field-based Government Family Planning Program
The family planning program was launched throughout the country as a priority program.
A massive field oriented family planning program administered by a BOARD.
Full time field staff and part-time village organizers known as dai (a female village mid-wife) were recruited and trained to provide motivation and service close to the door-steps of the rural people.
Selected clinical and non-clinical methods offered.
(The program came to a standstill during the Liberation war in 1971.)
Phase IV : 1972-74: Integrated Health & Family Planning Program
Administrative process for decision-making was shifted from the autonomous Family Planning Board and the Council to the Ministry of Health and Family Planning.
Family planning services functionally integrated with health services at the field level.
Oral pill was introduced in the family planning program as a method of contraception.
The provision of part-time village level dais was abolished.
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